On 9 October, Audrey and Florence carried out a set-up at Super U in Aix en Provence between 6am and 10am.
Here are their results
Our impressions:
We were very motivated to go to the site with our field staff, to share their work and to carry out a "field" mission! The speaker had been warned. Thanks to him, we received a very good training in the field, listing all the steps necessary for the mission to run smoothly.
Our feeling :
The mission was very well organised. The reception by the shop manager was good, and we worked independently on our department = emptying the shelves, making the skeleton, doing the facing and installing the labels.
We learned some tips to make our work easier (asking for a magnet to remove the labels, sorting the products in order in our trolley)
Knowing how important reporting is to our client, we did it as soon as we left the shop.
What it did for us :
This experience allowed us to be in a real situation and to accompany our staff in the field.
It was very rewarding, and step by step we were able to achieve a beautiful work.