Our goal is to accompany you in your 1ers missions at SIG, whether in merchandising, sales promotion, ....
A successful integration is =
Knowing SIG, its values, its businesses, its contacts and its processes
Have all the business knowledge (merchandising / sales events) before going into the field
Exchange with your future contacts so that they know you
From your 1era assignment, a welcome mail is sent to you personally. It allows you to find out your login details and the contact details of your contacts.
But to help you make your 1ers not in the shop as an animator or merchandiser, we send you a welcome booklet. In addition to a presentation of GIS, you will find a lexicon of field vocabularys, the HR information (when do I get paid? how do I make my disability declaration? how do I read my payslip, my activity statements? and the CE SIG what does it offer? ....)
And to get to know you better, we invite you to a video interview. You will be asked a few questions. This way, your interviewers will be able to learn more about you, your experience, the missions you wish to carry out, etc.
Thanks to our 4 merchandising contacts and our 7 field managers animationsYou will benefit from a personalised follow-up and privileged contact in your region. They will be at your service.
You can find the interview of one of our new recruits by clicking here!