What is carpooling?
Carpooling is the joint use of a vehicle by a driver and one or more passengers for a common journey.
Its objective is to reduce expenditure (fuels, wear and tear), while preserving the planet.
It is a way of getting around in a different way while sharing a vehicle with colleagues making the same journey.
What are the benefits of carpooling?
Carpool = It reduces the number of vehicles on the road and thus protects the environment. It reduces pollution.
Deciding to make this gesture for the ecology will allow everyone to meet and share moments of conviviality with their colleagues, to develop their potential for sociability and to show solidarity with one another.
Carpooling for themutual aidthe conviviality and the contribution to less pollution
How does it work?
It is a scheme suitable for drivers and passengers who are on the same career path, either on a regular or occasional basis.
Did you know that:
- 4% less cars on the road means less traffic jams and smoother traffic flow, it's a way to reduce your fatigue and stress!
- Carpooling 12,000km in a year will avoid the release of one tonne of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
All you have to do is write down your route and times in the comments.
If some of your colleagues live nearby,
they can contact you via this blog ...
And don't forget to share your memories on this blog!