It's the 24th edition of the EYPD!
The 24th edition of the European Week for the Employment of People with Disabilities aims to to strengthen access to employment for people with disabilities. It also aims to raise awareness among all public and private decision-makers.
"The health and economic crisis facing us requires all the more vigilance in terms of access to and retention in employment of people with disabilities", underlines ADAPT.
But before we go any further, we offer you our Handi-Quizz. In just a few minutes, you can find out more about disability at work!
Now that you know more...
The invisible disability
On the occasion of this 24th edition, Service Innovation Group has chosen to highlight one of the themes highlighted by this week: invisible disability.
We often think of the symbol of the wheelchair or the white cane to represent disability. But the reality is quite different! Did you know that 80% of disabilities are invisible? That is, they don't show up. So you won't know if the person doesn't talk about it or if you are not told about it.
People with invisible or hidden disabilities are not perceived as having a disability by those around them. They often appear to be healthy, which can isolate them in their daily lives and cause them psychological suffering.
Better support and inclusion of people with disabilities is not a challenge but a necessity.
Dare to talk about it
For fear of rejection or devaluation, people with invisible disabilities do not dare to talk about it. Even if they cannot be seen, their disability is no less disabling. This is particularly true in the workplace, where it limits working capacity and often leads to misunderstanding.
Invisible disability disorders can be extremely diverse. The disability situation can be recent, sometimes temporary, momentary, permanent or progressive.
In order to live together better and to facilitate the daily life of all these people, it is important to learn a little more about the invisible disability!
Mission Handicap SIG and its missions
Service Innovation Group is made up of employees from all walks of life: multi-employer, multi-convention (merchandising, sales animation, sales force, service providers, etc.). Our differences are a source of wealth. And it is because we want to preserve them that we have set up Mission Handicap.
The creation of our "Mission Handicap is part of a process of openness to difference. It marks our attachment to the human values and spirit of solidarity that are part of our DNA.
To achieve this, we have put in place a roadmap that focuses on three main areas:
1) Recruitment
The work of a person, whether disabled or not, is above all based on their skills. For several years, Service Innovation Group has been pursuing a proactive policy in favour of the employment of disabled people. Our objective is twofold: to enable disabled employees to gain access to employment, while guaranteeing equal treatment and fairness between employees.
2) Support
We promote job retention by encouraging career paths. We offer ergonomic or organisational adaptations and adjustments to workstations. We are therefore particularly attentive to the integration and feedback of employees with disabilities. We make sure we listen to them, to understand their possible difficulties and possibly adjust our actions.
3) Communication and awareness raising
Our social responsibility is to value difference and combat prejudice. It is both the involvement and the openness of everyone that will enable us to change the way we all think about disability. Because we see this approach as a real factor of cohesion, we are continuing to disseminate a "disability culture" among all our employees.
All our job offers are accessible to people with disabilities. Because once again, what counts is skills above all else. Every job is adaptable to the person who occupies it, whether he or she is able-bodied or disabled.
You are an employee with a disability
Whatever your situation, for SIG, 100% of your skills are visible!
Do you have a disability and want to tell us about it?
Anne-Laure FURON. 07 60 17 51 88. an**************@si*******.com
Do not hesitate to open up and confide in us. We are here to support you!