• 99/100 •
C'est the gender equality index score obtained by Service Innovation Group France data for theyear 2022.
Reminder on the index.
To achieve professional equality between women and men, the law of 5 September 2018 for the freedom to choose one's professional future aims to eliminate the pay gap between women and men. It imposes an obligation of result on companies by creating the gender equality index.
For companies with more than 50 employees, the index is calculated on the basis of 5 indicators, according to precise rules laid down by the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Integration. The scales differ according to the indicator and the total is calculated on 100 points.
Details of the score.
• Gender pay gap : 39 points out of 40
• Distribution gap for individual increases : 20 points out of 20
• Difference in the distribution of promotions : 15 points out of 15
• Employees who receive a raise after returning from maternity leave : 15 points out of 15
• Parity among the 10 highest earners : 10 points out of 10
Service Innovation Group France therefore obtains 99/100This was the same score as the previous year.
This result marks the maintenance of our level of effort, reflecting our voluntarist policy in the fight against all forms of inequality.