The day was structured around 3 main themes =
- Human Resources Information = What are the possible jobs at SIG? Do you know about all the training schemes available to you? Why recommend a person? Are you interested in the professional interview? and the SIG advantages ....
- GIS tools and digitisation = How does SIG pay for your loyalty? Do you know all the features of the employee area? How far are you prepared to go in terms of digitalisation?
- Communication techniques = What is the right posture to have in the shop? How to better manage conflicts with department managers? How to respond to consumer objections ...
Each workshop provided an opportunity tofriendly exchanges and in full transparency !
The words that followed
While our speakers gathered a lot of information, we learned a lot about their daily life and their problems in the shop.
From now on, it is up to us to work to help them be more efficient while explaining and training them on all the tools available to them.
In conclusion, we have all experienced a a real opportunity to share information and experiences and look forward to repeat this day in a new city !